Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Kids disappointed as drawing event organisers go missing !

From our Udupi office
UDUPI : In a rather unusual incident, a drawing contest on Mahatma Gandhiji arranged by various organisations including the Lalitha Kala Academy of Bangalore at the Ravindra Mantap of MGM College in Udupi, turned out to be a disappointment for several enthusiast participants, when the organisers themselves were missing at the venue. Eventually, the circumstances forced the parents present there to themselves conduct the contest with the assistance of artiste Ramesh Kidiyoor. The contest was organised by several institutions apart from the Lalitha Kala Academy including Academy of General Education, Manipal, Rashtra Kavi Govind Pai Research Centre, MGM College, Udupi and Kuteer Manipal.
The details of the contest had appeared in newspapers and several students, some even from Karkala and Kundapur had arrived at the venue along with their parents. Signifcant number of public too had taken part. But, the organisers were missing much to the wrath of the participants and their parents.
Finally artiste Ramesh Kidiyoour helped in the conduct of the competition.

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