Monday, November 06, 2006

RTO office- haven of corruption

By CT reporter
MANGALORE : Of late complaints are heard against an RTO inspector named Tippeswami charging him of resorting to day light robbery. Just for the task of inspecting a vehicle involved in an accident, this officer, it is learnt,was demanding hefty bribe through his man outside.
According to eyewitnesses this officer asks the applicants to meet a certain Gopal outside the office and then contacts that person through mobile and even instructs him to collect a particular amount for the inspection.
Accordingly, this Gopala asks them to pay the particular amount and will not budge for a lower amount.
It is already a well-known fact that the Mangalore RTO office has proved a haven of corruption, with the officers and staff here being notorious for their greed for more bribe. It is the brokers who reign supreme all over the RTO office premises and compound. It is also true that senior RTO officials are fully aware of all these misdeeds which take place right under their nose and they prefer to be tightlipped and blind eye to all this, showing no interest in rooting out this menace.

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