Monday, November 06, 2006

Bunglings galore in Udupi PWD office

UDUPI : A complaint has been lodged with the chief minister and higher officials of the state by a few charging one K Suresh Shetty, executive engineer in the divisional office of the PWD of resorting to widespread irregularities.
Listing out the misdeeds of the officer, the complaint stated that the officer was instrumental in purchasing a 15KVA capacity generator worth Rs 4 lakh for the Udupi PWD office though it was suffice to have a generator of 2 to 3 KVA, thereby incurring unnecessary expenditure and in turn misappopriating funds. It has also been complained that RCC name boards were unnecessarily purchased and the price shown as Rs 4500 though the actual cost ranged between Rs 500 and Rs 1000.
Another complaint was that a staggering sum of Rs 4 lakh had been spent towards the repair of the official quarters of the assistant executive engineer of Kundapur, while a new house itself could have been constructed with the amount . It has also been learnt that separate water tanks werw constructed and pumps installed fo each of the three quarters of PWD officials in Kundapur while a common well, tank and a pump was suffice to meet the requirements of the residents. This, the complaint said, was done merely to misuse funds in the process.
It has further been alleged that the PWD authorities even cheated the government of several thousands of rupees every month on the pretext of purchasing stationery, repair of computer and machinery, by showing higher bills.
Another serious complaint was that the engineers concerned instead of taking steps to repair roads etc, were only seeing to it that the bills of the non-implemented works were passed. Morever, a CoD probe has also been demanded into all the irregularities in the Udupi division of PWD.

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