Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Over 200 youth behind bars in name of violence

MANGALORE : Over 200 youth who were arrested by the police during the violence that rocked various parts of the district recently are now lodged in Bellary jail while a few are in the Mangalore jail. What is noteworthy here is that it is being said that a majority of them are innocents.
There are many who say that the police have just pushed each and everyone they came across, behind bars in the name of controlling violence, while the fact is that the actual culprits are still looming large.
By the by, it is a tragedy that our police personnel have failed in differentiating between the culprits and the innocents. It is being said that the cops merely to increase the number of arrests have taken such a step and have subject them to so much of punishment that it may take a much longer time for them to carry out their daily activities, once released.
Today, there are several families among us who are shedding tears for their near and dear ones who are pushed behind bars for no reason. Those arrested include college students, private employees, labourers and even some shopkeepers.
Most of those arrested have never been involved in any act of violence and there are many who might not even have stepped into police stations, and are now behind bars.
Of the several innocents behind bars are a significant number of Muslim youth as also Hindu youth, with this mindless act of the cops, depriving their families of the joy of Ramzan and Diwali.

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