Sunday, September 10, 2006

Karkala lad designs, manufactures mini copter

By Diwaker Kumar
KARKALA : What can a mere PUC qualified youth whose thirst for knowledge particularly engineering knowledge which forced him sit before the internet for hours and hours together, achieve ?
Just anything. And this has been proved by this young man from Karkala. He is Ratnaker Naik who today is the proud owner of a mini helicopter designed and manufactured solely by him.
Today, the achievement of this youth is in no way less than the achievement of any engineering student who toils day and night in his college to gain knowledge through theory and practice.
But in case of Ratnaker, his tremendous will power and determination to achievesomething, has today borne furit in the form of this remote controlled helicopter. A great achievement by a youth sans technical background, godfathers and guidance.
August 15 was a memorable day in the life of Ratnaker when his prized possession sprang a surprise for many who had gathered for the I-Day celebrations at the Karkala Gandhi Maidan, when the mini helicopter which rose from the ground even as the guests looked on , showered flowers on the national tri-colour. Later after taking a round of the maidan, it landed at the maidan.
Ratnaker Naik, son of Obayya Naik of Meeyar in Karkala taluk, has studied upto PUC only. The youth belonging to scheduled tribe though had interest in pursuing higher education, could not do so for some reason.
Ratnaker who had a great inclination towards technology since childhood, has now manufactured a helicopter of his own, a product of his four long years of toil.
Ratnaker Says he had nurtured a great wish of making toys on his own, whenever he saw little childern play with them. His wish furthermore gained wings after he watched several programmes on Discovery Channel. Along with it, the internet world exposed Ratnaker to several technical aspects, Everyday, he says he used to spend at lest five hours before internet to study technical related aspects and has now spent nearly Rs 1.5 lakh to manufacture his copter.
Ratnaker who moulded the copter body with fibre, has designed his model aircraft no less than any real helicopter.
The two fans were purchsaed originally from the market and also the engine and other spare parts. The remote was got from the US through an acquaintance of his there.
The four feet long and two feet tall copter weighs 3.5 kgs and after several trials the copter first came to public eyes on Independence Day.
Ratnaker says the fuel used for the copter is Methanol, castor oil and nitro methane. Though the copter can fly upto any height, I fly it only upto that height where I can have a view of it it as otherwise there is a chance of accident, he says.
Ratnaker however does not forget to mention the name of his friend Vikram, who stood as his backbone all these years.
Young Ratnaker’s achievement has already been appreciated by Air Vice Marshal Ramesh Karnik and MLC Capt Ganesh Karnik.
Ratnaker who is employed in a private firm, aims at exhibiting his helicopter in various schools of the district and has also written to the HAL in Bangalore seeking an opportunity to exhibit the helicopter.
Young talents like Ratnaker need proper exposure and encouragement by our government and elected representatives and this would definitely pave way for more innovations from them.

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