Monday, November 06, 2006

Illegal water connection for Sebastian Church fountain

MANGALORE : Illegal tap water connection is learnt to have been provided to the new fountain with Mother Mary’s statue in front of the St Sebastian’s Church near St Agnes College in the city. Complaints are now pouring in that the church administration which has already invited the wrath of the laity for alleged misuse of funds donated by them, now through this latest instance of securing illegal water connection, has come under much criticism.
Though Mother Mary’s statue existed in front of the church building earlier, the same was demolished and a new statue with a fountain installed in its place to add to the attraction of the church. While bringing down the earlier statue, it was said that it was done as the old statue did not suit the church building. It has even been alleged that the Church Father Peter Noronha has misused the funds donated by the laity for such extrava-ganze of fountains. It is also said that the Church which resorts to extravagant spending, however does not chalk out any welfare programme for the poor and needy in the community. An appeal has now been made to the city corporation to take note of this violation of rule and initiate necessary action.

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