How long will be the wait for Udupi dist admn complex?
UDUPI : The Udupi district has several distinctions to its credit. It is the district which secures the highest number of ranks in tthe state level in public exams ; most of the hoteliers who have earned name and fame in Udupi and outside, have their roots in the district and it has also the maximum number of literates. But can anyone believe that easily that this very district is also a backward district from one aspect - for having the minimum number of industries in the state ?. One has to believe this. This fact has been revealed in a recent report of the state Industries Department.
As if this one black spot is not suffice, the district also does not have a modern, full-fledged district administration complex, even after a decade has passed since its formation. Isn’t this a blot on the otherwise good image of the district ?
There remains no doubt that it is none other than the Manipal Pais who have been a stumbling block in making the district administration complex a reality. In this endeavour, they are assisted through backdoors by the Udupi district minister VS Acharya and a few politicians like Sabhapathi. If that was not the case, then by now, the Udupi district administration complex would have started full-fledged operations in the 31 acre land allotted for the same by the government at the Manipal End Point, that too well before the formation of the district itself.
The main reason for the district being deprived of the distsict administration complex is the Manipal Pais who do not want the district administration to function right near them and for this reason they have tried to make best use of all the existing laws to have their way.
Amid all these, one has to really appreciate the Udupi legislator Rahgupathi Bhat, who is trying to swim against the tide, by stating that he would see to it that the complex comes up at Manipal End Point itself.
As at the outset, it is very much clear that the government has until now not made any honest effort to vacate the writ filed by the Manipal Pais in the High Court objecting to the raising of the complex at Manipal End Point.
The foundation for the complex was laid when Shyam Bhat was the DC. The next works of levelling the ground which had commenced, however had to be stopped abruptly following threats by the Pai side goondas. In the meantime, the Pais after securing a temporary stay to the works from the High Court came totally in the way of the continuation of the works.
The government which was not so keen in going ahead with the project at the Manipal End Point, had in the year 2002 had even earmarked a 6.5 are land near the SP office in the town for the complex. But, officials were unwilling on the grounds that the land was insuffice. Later on, another proposal to have the eomplex at Ajjarkad too met with the same fate following widespread protests.
But the fact is that there is no other land in Udupi and its vicinity that is ideally suited for the district administration complex but the Manipal End Point which has even enough space for any expansion in the later stages.
It is now left to the government to clear all obstacles in the way of the implementation of the project at the Manipal End Point which comes in the Udupi TMC limits itself.
Is it that our government is so incapabale that it cannot fight effectively against the Pai family ?
Let the government take neceesary legal recourse and initiate the district administration complex works at the earliest.
How long should the popele of Udupi wait for the district administration complex ?
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