Monday, November 06, 2006

Bhajrangdal demands axing of RSS leader’s kin from BJP

By CT reporter
MANGALORE : Reports of late have indicated that several Bhajrangdal leaders are demanding expulsion of a certain Jeshta Padivala, son of an RSS leader, from the BJP.
The main reason for this latest demand from the Bhajrangdal stems from the fact that the Dal is of the view that Jeshta Padivala had assisted the police in the arrest of some Bhajrangdal and Gosamrakshana Samithi leaders during the recent riots in Mangalore.
Another demand of the Bhajrangdal is that the BJP legislators and all office bearers are now answerable to Padivala’s move as he who had earlier associated himself with the Congress, during the recent violence had tried to personally avenge Bhajrangdal leaders.
A Bhajrangdal worker even points out how Jeshta Padivala saw to the arrest of some of the organisation leaders including Vinay Shetty by referring to the name of the Mangalore legislator Yogish Bhat and district minister Nagaraj Shetty saying the two leaders wanted the arrest of the Bhajrangdal leader.
In the meantime, the Bhajrangdal men are also planning to complain to the state BJP chief to distance Padivala from the party.

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